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Here, we encourage you to put your faith first in all aspects of your life.

FaithInspiration Network Presents

Propelled 2024


Biloxi, Mississippi

A One-day powerful, immersive experience

Where people who are truly seeking to elevate in their God-given purpose come together to be transformed to Live Your Faith Louder. Get your tickets now! Limited number of seats available.

Post-event mentoring, collaboration and other opportunities.




STARTING september 2024

Are you ready to grow, leap forward, and make a significant impact in your Kingdom influence and reach? We are thrilled to introduce the 4X4 Coaching Program featuring an exceptional lineup of coaches who are dedicated to your success.

books to increase your faith

Happy Reading


The Faith Inspiration Project began as a small seed for a book project. Visionary Dorothy P. Wilson, a Mississippi publisher of books and magazines, said she heard God speak the words, "Living faith out loud", and she assumed the Lord wanted her to pursue a book with that title. With the Lord's leading, the project has sprung forth in multiple directions and platforms: "Live Your Faith Out Loud" book; a Small Group Discussion Guide for churches; blog series; 30-day devotional series; a video series; Living Your Faith Out Loud Conference; a magazine; Wear Your Faith Message merchandise; and the Faith Inspiration Network, a social media, podcast and TV platform.

Follow this global movement to inspire others to live their faith louder.

Share How You Forgive

We are thrilled to invite you to be a part of a powerful new ministry project, "The Power of Two Words: I Forgive."

This book will feature personal stories of forgiveness that will inspire, heal, and transform lives. By contributing your chapter, you'll not only share your journey but also help others break free from the chains of unforgiveness.

Ready to make an impact? Join us today and become a part of something truly life-changing.


We pray and we blog.

The FaithInspiration Network is a blog dedicated to helping readers find inspiration and guidance through faith-based perspectives. Our goal is to provide a platform where individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs can come together to explore the power of faith in our lives. We feature articles, stories, and insights on a wide range of topics, from personal growth and spiritual development to community building and social justice. Whether you're looking for practical tips on how to strengthen your faith, or seeking uplifting stories that will inspire you on your journey, the FaithInspiration Network is the place for you. Join our community of like-minded individuals who believe in the power of faith to transform lives and make a positive impact in the world.

19 Sep, 2024
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” While this idea may seem simple, its truth runs deep. The people we surround ourselves with have a profound impact on our mindset, our faith, and our ability to step into the life God has for us. I was recently reminded of this during our first session of the 4x4 Coaching Cohort—where the power of the right circle was on full display. One of the participants shared a heartfelt testimony that struck a chord with everyone in the room. She reflected on how this group of women, all gathered for the same purpose, was exactly what she needed to start breaking free from her past and stepping boldly into her future. She realized that God was using this new circle of women to reposition her, to help her remove the roadblocks that had held her back for so long. Her words were filled with gratitude, energy, and excitement, but they also carried a deeper message—one that I believe is relevant to us all: the right circle of people can change everything. Why Your Circle Matters Think about the people you spend the most time with. Are they encouraging you to grow, to pursue your purpose, to live out the calling God has placed on your life? Or are they holding you back, limiting your potential, and keeping you in a place of stagnation? The truth is, we can’t fulfill God’s purpose for our lives in isolation. We need community. We need people around us who will speak life into us, push us when we’re feeling uncertain, and challenge us to step outside of our comfort zones. When Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another,” it’s not just talking about casual relationships. It’s speaking to the kind of deep, meaningful connections that help shape us into the people we are meant to be. A good circle of people won’t let you stay where you are. They will call you higher, not in a way that feels forced or judgmental, but in a way that reflects God’s love and desire for you to grow. Breaking Free with the Right Circle During our coaching session, it became evident that the women in the room weren’t just there for themselves—they were there for each other. There was a divine connection, a shared mission to encourage, uplift, and support one another as they journeyed toward their God-given purpose. And isn’t that what we all long for? To be surrounded by people who truly see us, who understand our struggles, and who believe in our potential even when we doubt it ourselves? The participant who shared her testimony realized that, for the first time in a long time, she wasn’t alone in her struggles. She had found a circle that was not only helping her see her worth but was actively guiding her toward the breakthrough she so desperately needed. And here’s the beautiful part—God often uses the people in our lives to bring about the change we’ve been praying for. Building Your Circle So, how do you cultivate a circle that sharpens you, lifts you up, and helps you grow? Here are a few steps to consider: Seek out alignment in values: Surround yourself with people whose values and beliefs align with your own. These are the people who will encourage you to stay true to your faith and purpose. Be intentional about connection: It’s not enough to just be around positive people. Intentionally nurture these relationships, share your dreams, and be open to accountability. Let go of what holds you back: Sometimes, growing in faith and purpose means letting go of relationships that no longer serve you. It’s not easy, but pruning is necessary for new growth. Be that person for others: Just as you need a strong circle, others do too. Be the friend, mentor, or supporter that someone else needs to move forward in their journey. The Power of a God-Ordained Circle The testimony shared in our first session reminded me of just how powerful God’s timing is. He knows who we need and when we need them. He positions people in our lives to help us heal, grow, and step into our callings. The key is to be open to those connections, to recognize when God is placing the right people in your life, and to lean into those relationships with intention and gratitude. So, who’s in your circle today? Are you surrounded by people who see your potential, who challenge you to grow, and who encourage you to pursue God’s purpose for your life? If not, maybe it’s time to make a shift. Seek out those connections that will sharpen you, support you, and help you step into the fullness of what God has planned for you. Your circle matters. It could be the very thing that propels you into your next level of purpose and growth. Surround yourself with those who lift you higher, and watch as God uses those relationships to transform your life. Want to join the cohort? Learn more here .
By Dorothy Wilson 12 Sep, 2024
The concept of rest can feel foreign, almost counterproductive. We're conditioned to believe that progress only happens when we're constantly on the move—achieving, striving, pushing forward. But what if the most profound growth occurs not in the constant hustle but in the quiet moments of stillness? What if rest is not a sign of weakness, but a sacred gift from God, designed to renew our minds, bodies, and spirits? Rest: A Divine Invitation Throughout the Bible, God invites us to rest. It’s more than just an opportunity to recharge our physical bodies—it's a chance for spiritual renewal. Jesus Himself often withdrew from the crowds, seeking quiet moments to pray and reconnect with the Father. In Matthew 11:28, He extends that same invitation to us: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This isn't just about catching up on sleep or taking a break from work. It’s about laying our burdens at His feet and trusting that He will carry us through. Why We Resist Rest Despite this divine invitation, so many of us resist rest. We live in a culture that glorifies busyness. We measure our worth by how much we accomplish, and we wear our exhaustion like a badge of honor. But God didn’t design us to run on empty. He knows that without rest, we become spiritually and emotionally depleted. That’s why He created a rhythm of rest—starting with the Sabbath, a holy day set aside for renewal and reflection. God knows that when we pause, we can hear His voice more clearly. So, why do we resist? Fear often plays a role. We fear falling behind, losing momentum, or missing opportunities. But the truth is, rest doesn't set us back; it propels us forward. When we allow ourselves to pause, we invite God to refill us with His strength, clarity, and peace. Only then can we truly move forward with purpose. Rest as a Form of Faith Rest requires faith. It’s a deep act of trust in God’s timing and provision. When we pause, we acknowledge that we are not in control—and that’s okay. In fact, it’s in those moments of surrender that we often find the greatest growth. Psalm 23:2-3 reminds us of God’s desire to lead us into peace: “He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.” God doesn’t want us running on empty. He wants us to thrive, to be refreshed, and to walk in the fullness of His grace. In resting, we allow ourselves to step back and see life from a broader perspective. It’s a reminder that the world doesn’t depend on our constant striving. God is at work, even when we’re at rest. Our faith grows in the stillness, as we trust that His plans are unfolding, even when we can’t see them. Practical Ways to Embrace Rest So how can we practically embrace rest in a world that demands so much from us? Here are a few ways to create space for rest and renewal:  Set Boundaries: Protect time in your schedule for rest. Whether it’s a few minutes of quiet in the morning or an afternoon Sabbath, make rest a priority. Spend Time with God: Use your rest periods to reconnect with God. Meditate on Scripture, pray, or simply sit in silence and listen for His voice. Practice Mindfulness: In moments of stress or anxiety, practice being present. Focus on your breath, let go of the worries of the future, and center yourself in the moment. Reflect on Gratitude: Keep a journal and note the things you’re grateful for. This can shift your focus away from what you haven’t accomplished and remind you of God’s blessings. The Gift of Renewal In the end, rest isn’t a reward for having worked hard enough. It’s a necessity, a gift from God that allows us to be renewed and restored. The truth is, God doesn’t just want us to survive; He wants us to thrive. And that thriving often comes from the moments we step away, surrender control, and let God pour into us. So, if you’re feeling weary today, take heart. God is inviting you into His rest. It’s not about doing less; it’s about receiving more—more of His grace, more of His strength, and more of His peace. When you rest, you open yourself up to the beautiful process of renewal. Trust that in the stillness, He is working. Trust that in the waiting, He is faithful.
By Dorothy Wilson 05 Sep, 2024
Where instant gratification is often the norm, the art of being patient is a virtue that seems to be slowly diminishing. Yet, in both personal development and spiritual growth, patience remains a critical component. It’s a quality that not only enriches our lives but deepens our understanding of the journey we are on. Understanding Patience Patience is more than just waiting; it’s an active engagement in the process of growth. It involves enduring discomfort without complaint, persevering through challenges, and viewing each moment of delay as an opportunity to refine our character. This virtue is profoundly rooted in faith—it's trusting in the timing of a higher power and believing that there is a reason behind every delay. The Role of Patience in Personal Growth In personal development, patience is the bridge between our aspirations and their realization. It teaches us resilience, helps us manage our expectations, and keeps us grounded in reality. When we rush through experiences, we miss out on valuable lessons that only time can teach. By embracing patience, we give ourselves the space to grow at a natural pace, which is essential for sustainable success. Patience in Spiritual Growth Spiritually, patience is tied to faith. It’s often said that faith is not just believing that God can, but knowing that He will, in His own time. Patience in spiritual practices allows us to deepen our connection with the divine, understanding that spiritual enlightenment and maturity cannot be rushed. Each step taken in patience brings us closer to the divine, enriching our spiritual journey with depth and wisdom. Cultivating Patience Cultivating patience requires practice and mindfulness. Here are a few ways to incorporate patience into your daily life: Mindful Meditation: Regular meditation can help slow down your thought process and give you a greater appreciation for the present moment. Setting Realistic Expectations: Adjust your timelines and embrace a more flexible approach to your goals. Reflective Journaling: Keep a journal to reflect on your daily experiences and the lessons you learn from waiting or slow progress. The Rewards of Being Patient The rewards of being patient are profound and far-reaching. In personal growth, patience leads to better decision-making, reduced stress, and higher satisfaction with life. In spiritual growth, it cultivates a stronger, more enduring faith, and a deeper sense of peace. In conclusion, whether it’s waiting for a goal to materialize, or seeking answers to life’s big questions, patience remains a powerful virtue that transforms challenges into opportunities for growth. It enriches both the journey and the destination, making the wait worthwhile. Let's discuss and embrace the slow and steady path that patience paves. Your thoughts and experiences with practicing patience can further enrich this discussion, so feel free to share!
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We celebrate the Fearless Women

in our lives and the lives of others, who eat fear for breakfast.

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